Saturday, January 16, 2010

huge UM loss...

There are obviously tons of stories of loss and tragedy coming out of Haiti this week. For UMs, though, the passing of Sam Dixon, the executive director of UMCOR, deserves particular grief:

I'm reminded of my old pastor, Doug Forrester, who told me one time, "When Jesus comes back, I hope he has trouble finding me. I hope that I'm so busy feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, and comforting the afflicted that he will have to look around a bit--beyond the churches--to find me."

Sam Dixon was such a man, and I offer thanks for his life and for all those who work and volunteer with UMCOR. I love my academic work, but I know it doesn't really mean shit compared to those folk who embody the love of Christ to so many people around the world.

**I am sad now, two days later, to have to edit this post. It would be remiss not to mourn the loss of Clint Rabb alongside Sam Dixon. I mourn this loss not only because he was another amazing servant with GBGM but also because he was the step-father of a dear friend of mine. No words. Just grief and a paralyzing sense of impotence.

1 comment:

Christie said...

Thanks Adam. You said what I've been trying to say.